Vishwamitran Leader of the Opposition leaves office amid scandal.

Published on 3 December 2021 at 12:11

Purvanchal, The State of Vishwamitra.

This article was partly taken from the Purvanchal Times, the National Newspaper of The State of Vishwamitra

The Vishwamitran Leader of the Opposition, David Brooke of the Green Socialist Party, relinquished his Vishwamitran citizenship and his status as a Member of the Parliament of Vishwamitra amid scandals where he allegedly tried to coerce the ruling party to give up their candidacy and in turn having legislation supported by the GSP, or, the NPC contests all the same and the supports the GSP's legislation. Unfortunately, Brooke downplayed the whole issue as a normal "negotiation", and to the horror of the whole chamber, used Lèse-majesté against His Majesty the Rashtradhyaksh of Vishwamitra, blatantly claiming that His Illustrious and Royal Majesty usurped the throne in a coup.

The Count of Griffith, the Lieutenant General, Rory McPhail GCL MP, Foreign Minister of Vishwamitra, lashed out at Brooke's impoliteness and Lèse-majesté, although without responding, Brooke left the Parliament Server, deleting the Green Socialist Party virtual meeting server with him on his way out. The Rashtradhyaksh recognized Brooke's renouncement of his citizenship and honours.

Lord Chandrachur Basu ComL was chosen by Brooke to be his successor and will be heading it for the next election.

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